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„Hannah’s Dance“ - eine deutsche Geschichte in der Zeit des Dritten Reiches

Eröffnung Herr Ulewski Tutor 11bkEinführung Max Heide 11bkQA Nanami Wendt 11bkDer Englisch-Leistungskurs Jahrgangsstufe 11 realisierte am 03.06.2022, in der Zeit von 13.15 Uhr bis 15.15 Uhr, eine Video- Konferenz zum o.g. Thema.

Die einladende Institution dabei war der Jewish Council in Washington D.C. (USA). Des Weiteren nahm eine Vertreterin der US- Botschaft in Berlin daran teil. Unter Mitarbeit von Max Heide (11b), Jugendbotschafter an der US- Botschaft für den Raum Berlin- Brandenburg, ist es gelungen, diese hervorragende Veranstaltung zu organisieren und durchzuführen.

Evelyn Summer, die Tochter von Hannah Kroner, berichtet über das Leben und die Entbehrungen ihrer Mutter sowie der gesamten Familie während  der Nazi- Zeit. Insbesondere der große Traum ihrer Mutter eine professionelle Tänzerin zu werden, kann -trotz bester Leistungen und Qualifikationen - nicht geträumt werden und zerplatzt. Unter größter Gefahr und ständiger Angst deportiert zu werden, kann die Familie durch ein ausgestelltes Visum Nazi – Deutschland verlassen. In Amerika angekommen, setzt Hannah ihre engagierte Arbeit als Tänzerin fort und wird berühmt. Schließlich gründet sie in den USA eine Tanzschule,  die in der Folge von zahlreichen berühmten Persönlichkeiten durchlaufen wird.

Mittels Video – Clips als auch einer exzellenten Power – Point Präsentation gelingt es Evelyn Summer das Vermächtnis ihrer Mutter plastisch und zugleich sehr emotional bewegend den Schülerinnen und Schülern darzubieten. In ihrer Arbeit wird Evelyn Summer durch Gail Prensky unterstützt, die für den  “Jewish Council” in Washington D.C. arbeitet. Eine Fortsetzung der Projektarbeit zwischen den beteiligten Institutionen ist geplant.

Wir bedanken uns an der Stelle nochmals beim Jewish Council, der US- Botschaft und natürlich bei Evelyn Summer.

R. Ulewski

Tutor 11b


Feedback - Video conference on “Hannah’s Dance”

Hannah Kroner is a young woman who is just about to fulfill her dream to become a professional dancer. But being of Jewish origin in Nazi – Germany (1933-1945) makes it almost impossible for her to realize der great dream. Conditions get worse and the restrictions enhance. She lives in constant fear of being taken away from her beloved family and being deported into one of the concentration/laboring camps.

But luckily in 1939 she utilizes the chance to get a visa and flees together with her parents to America, where she builds up her very own dancing school, teaches how to dance professionally for the rest of her life and finally fulfills her great dream.

We, the English class of the 11th grade got the great honor to get to know more about Hannah’s life story from her daughter Evelyn Summer. On June 6th 2022 we’ve had a wonderful discussion during the video conference with her and Gail Prensky who works at the “Jewish Council” and helped Evelyn with publishing the fascinating legacy of her mother Hannah.

Since it is not a common occasion to get such a deep and close view into that time and the daily lives of refugees, all students were glued to Evelyn’s lips.

We were very heartily welcomed by her and Gail. This pleasant start and Evelyn’s openness had made a very comfortable atmosphere instantly.

At great length, Evelyn talked about her mother’s legacy and used exciting videos, very interesting powerpoint slides and even real life items to showcase even more how Hanna’s everyday life as a Jewish refugee and later on as dance teacher was.

We were deeply impressed by her detailed and coherent report of each stage of Hanna’s life resulting in a highly authentic and thrilling presentation.

We could identify ourselves with the emotions her mother must have had. Evelyn perfectly transported the historic agony. The students’ attention was being increased by every new episode of Hanna’s story. Everybody felt deep connection and empathy not only to Hannah but also to her contemporaries.

The particular importance of this encounter became clear to all of us, because we got the unique chance to learn facts at first hand. A marvelous trustful source!

Besides that, Evelyn answered our questions readily and honestly. In general, there was plenty of room for interaction. The students were waiting curiously for each answer.

To emphasize: It was the first time we were introduced to happenings of the persecution of Jewish people through the eyes of a non-German. Up to now this aspect has opened a completely new perspective.

All in all, it can surely be said that this project was a great success. All students were enthusiastic and deeply impressed by the topic, but also by the open, loving and authentic nature of Evelyn and Gail.

Both are great women, and they should never stop sharing their story and broaden the horizons of many students with it. It was a great experience, and we all hope that we can see the two again soon and learn more about them. Thank you, Evelyn and Gail, for this interesting and unforgettable afternoon!

Students of the advanced English class 11b

R. Ulewski

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